Parent Council
Generally, members of the Parent Council must be parents/carers of children and young people who attend the school and the chairperson must have a child in the school.
However, the Parent Council can decide to co-opt other members from teachers and the community who will have knowledge and skills to help them.
The parents continue to be very pro-active on behalf of all at Carntyne Primary. Not only do they raise funds to provide activities for the children but they work closely with the school’s Senior Management Team to review policies and procedures as well as contributing to our School Improvement agenda.
Parent Council Members
Danielle Preston Chairperson
Heather Usher Vice Chairperson
Laura Maney Treasurer
Kirsten Moore Secretary
Kirsty Logan Parent member
Denise Stirling Parent member
Charlene Purcell Parent member
Olivia Murray Parent member
Babajide Olowookere Parent member
Melissa Adair Parent member
Perrine Redon Co-opted member
Louise Corner/Natasha Aujla Educational representatives
Mrs Jo Church Head Teacher
* Most recent minutes will be displayed on the Parent Council notice board in the foyer at the main entrance to the school building.