Glasgow Counts
"Society requires young people who are sophisticated, mathematical thinkers, pattern spotters and problem solvers; therefore we aim to empower our young people as mathematicians". (Glasgow Counts)
Glasgow Counts is a framework which supports young children in mathematics by building mathematical understanding in and beyond our classrooms. It has a strong focus on Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA). Concrete means children are exposed to counters, beads and cubes before moving to pictorial which are diagrams and pictures which moves to then moves to Abstract (eg. 43 + 6...)
Please click on the links below for further support.
1. Start using the mathematical vocabulary with your children.
2. Focus on the steps your child has used to solve a mathematical problem, "What strategy did you use?"
3. Talk to your child about numeracy - "What did you find tricky?", "Do you need help with that?"
The most important lesson to be learned from all of this is that mistakes are all part of learning.
Just remember, Everyone Can Do Mathematics!
On-Line Resources school, we are using and engaging a mathematical programme called Sumdog. It uses games to encourage children, and automatically adapts to your childs needs. To help with mathematics learning, we would like you to encourage your child to play a little Sumdog each week. As they play, Sumdog asks questions that are tailored to their individual learning.
Your child's log-in details are in homework jotters/bags.
ICT Games - Maths...